Lignes et Pylônes
Lignes et Pylônes (Power Lines and Towers): FR3, "Passages" Lines and Pylons These power lines that follow the roads or cross them, these assemblies of poles, pylons and cables that we make disappear from our images are here looked for their function. Reconciling the cables, changing the insulators, the large pylons are transformed into giant models, it is the fairy vision
A la rencontre des Demoiselles d’Amnéville
A la rencontre des Demoiselles d'Amnéville (To meet the Damsels of Amneville)
European sculptures get together
Rencontres Européennes de Sculptures (European sculptures get together) Television: TLT Toulouse, Date: 06/12/2005 Country: France
Source: ATV, eight days in a row, Date: 02/18-25/2004 Country: France
Inauguration of Source
Inauguration de Source (Inauguration of Source) Television: FR3, News Date: 02/18/2004 19:30 Country: France