From industrial patrimony to cultural legacy

Elena Paroucheva Exhibition

Label: Europe for culture 2018, 26 – 31 August 2018

Organizer: CIGRE (International Council on Large Electric Systems)

Palais des Congrès de Paris
2, Place de la Porte Maillot
75 017 Paris, France

Open: From Monday to Thursday 9 am – 6 pm, Friday 9 am – 4 pm
Visit: Palais des Congrès , Foyer Amphithéâtre bleu, Level 2
Entry: Free. External visitors only with “visitor” badge (ask at CIGRE stand)
Access: METRO Line 1, Station Porte Maillot RER Line C, Station Neuilly – Porte Maillot

Elena Paroucheva – environmental artist – is invited at CIGRE biennial 2018, to share with us her experience in the transformation of industrial heritage and know-how into recognized works of art.
Since 1999, she proposes her concept for pylons-sculptures: Electric art. These models and sculptures for multi-support installations (pylons, wind masts and telecom antennas) integrate energy networks with people and nature.
Exhibition space: Landscape pylons, aesthetics of overhead power lines, wind masts as artworks, interactive works of art, named “Ode to electricity”
The CIGRE Biennial 2018 is an international meeting and the event will have a diversified public, but the major event will be in connection with Bulgaria and the city from Plovdiv, the European Capital of Culture in 2019.
Labeled event “EUROPE FOR CULTURE” In consultation with Mr Bruno FAVEL, National Coordinator of the year 2018 in France and Head of the Department of European and International Affairs at the Directorate General of Heritage of the Ministry of Culture

Ministry of Culture

From industrial patrimony to cultural legacy


#EYCH2018, #EuropeForCulture, #patrimoine en partage, #paroucheva, #ArtPylons, #CIGRE,