Books – thesis
1_2018 Art-Spirituality and Economics:
The Aesthetics of Energy Resilience
By Paul Shrivastava
Energy (electricity) is a central aspect of global sustainability and resil-ience. Production and consumption of energy has risen continuously over the past 200years and is expected to double by 2050. Almost all of the discourse on energy production and consumption has been scientific, technological and economically based. This chapter goes beyond conventional technological and economic issues to encompass social, cultural, spatial and aesthetic elements in electric power genera-tion, transmission and consumption. To illustrate the winning entry was “The Spring” by Elena Paroucheva. Her inspirations were the industrial heritage of steel and power, the cradle of life in the Spa spring waters.
Art, Spirituality and Economics: Liber Amicorum for Laszlo Zsolnai, celebrates Laszlo Zsolnai’s significant contributions to the connection between ethics, spirituality, aesthetics and economic theory, The Power of Art, The Aesthetics of Energy Resilience, pp. 118-119, Springer, 02/2018 (Eng)
2_2014-Green Book;
CIGRE Green Book: Pylon sculptures as an example of an innovative solution for high-voltage overhead lines, pp. 62-63, Springer, 08/2014 (Eng)
3_2014 Statnett Norwey
Vurdering av bruk av spesialmaster (Assessment of the use of special master): Statnett Conference, Statnett Editions, 10/2014, p. 19 (Norwegian)
4_2014 Bangaloor
Overhead Lines: ELECTRAMA-2014, Bangalore, by Herbert Lugschitz, 01/2014, p. 22 (Eng)
5_2013-West grig-UK
The West Grid projekt : Tobin Consulting Engineers, Dublin, 03/2013, p. 99 (UK)
Très Haute Tension sur l’Architecture – L’implication des architectes dans la conception de pylônes électriques (Very High Tension on Architecture – The involvement of architects in the design of electricity pylons): Master’s thesis in Contemporary Project Genealogy of the National School of Paris-Malaquais, by Alexis Guilbert, 2013, pp. 47, 121, 137 et 142 (FR)
7_2012 Chile
Un nuevo paradigma para la calidad de vida de Santiago (A new paradigm for the quality of life in Santiago): by Pablo Allard, Architecture and Art University of Development, Santiago, p. 24-28 (CL)
Trajet pylônes (Way of pylons) Master Saclay ENSAV Versailles: Emmanuel Combarel, 2011-2012 (FR)
9_2011 Irelande
Overhead lines in Ireland: CIGRE Technical Brochure 247, by Jarlath Doyle, 2011, p. 8 (Eng)
10_2010-Energy and Art-France
Innovative Solutions for Overhead Line Supports: brochure, CIGRE Editions, 06/2010 (Eng)
Courrier of the Assosiation Supélec Magazine: Science and Technology in European Art Award Edition SUPELEC, France, March 2009
Frédéric LESUR received in the presence of the artist the 1st Prize Supélec graduates for his file on the work” Source “Elena PAROUCHEVA.
Form and Colour in the Landscape: History of the Finnish Landscape Towers by Maarit Kauniskangas and Helena Hökkä, Fingrid Editions, 08/2009 (Eng)
Werkatelier Spanning (z)onder maaiveld: (Workshop on Underground Spanning): by Richard van Ravesteijn, 2008, pp. 4, 9, 21, 50 (Dutch)